
Bad air taints Hong Kong's business reputation - James Pomfret :: China Digital Times (CDT) 中国数字时代

リンク: Bad air taints Hong Kong's business reputation - James Pomfret :: China Digital Times (CDT) 中国数字时代. RSS Feed Monday, September 11, 2006 SectionsHome Politics Economy Society Culture Law Sci/Tech Hong Kong Taiwan World Bookshe…

RGE - George Magnus makes an important point. If the oil surplus is rising and Asia’s surplus isn’t falling …

リンク: RGE - George Magnus makes an important point. If the oil surplus is rising and Asia’s surplus isn’t falling ….George Magnus makes an important point. If the oil surplus is rising and Asia’s surplus isn’t falling … Brad Setser | Aug…

Promises Not Kept - New York Times

リンク: Promises Not Kept - New York Times. September 11, 2006Op-Ed ColumnistPromises Not Kept By PAUL KRUGMANFive years ago, the nation rallied around a president who promised vengeance against those responsible for the atrocity of 9/11. …


リンク: 伊賀の里モクモク手づくりファーム. 出張中。ここが経営しているレストランに行ったのですが、おこわを食べたあとで、別の麦飯などを食べたのが食べ過ぎたのか、お腹がぷくっとふくれてしまい、2時間余り仮眠。ビジネスホテルのベッドの上で、よくい…