
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gold, Silver, Crude, Copper Update

リンク: Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gold, Silver, Crude, Copper Update.The question of the day is "What are commodity charts suggesting?"Let's take a look starting with the commodities index itself.Click on any chart for a bette…

Marginal Revolution: Financial liberalization: risk vs. growth

リンク: Marginal Revolution: Financial liberalization: risk vs. growth.We present a new empirical decomposition of the effects of financial liberalization on economic growth and on the incidence of crises. Our empirical estimates show that…

Marginal Revolution: Assorted links

リンク: Marginal Revolution: Assorted links.1. Bruce Bartlett blogs the Democratic Congress for The New York Times; this is gated for many of you.2. American Economics Association program and papers.3. Creating a private orchestra in Brazi…

Marginal Revolution: Did the New Deal prolong the Great Depression?

リンク: Marginal Revolution: Did the New Deal prolong the Great Depression?.Brad DeLong is overreaching when he argues "A normal person would not argue that the New Deal [TC: parts of, or "on net"] prolonged the Great Depression." HedgeFun…


リンク: Ycaster/Day by Day.ケイタイからFDに移送される8つくらいのファイルのうち、電話番号(ホームとケイタイ)、メルアド、時には住所など項目が入ったファイルを我々が通常認識できる文字のフォームで紙にプリントしたいのです。これは(宣伝になりま…

The Indian Economy Blog ? Introducing Commodity Futures Markets in India

リンク: The Indian Economy Blog ? Introducing Commodity Futures Markets in India.Filed under: Politics, Regulatory reforms, Growth, Agriculture — Nitin @ 4:46 pm Setting up a commodity futures market is the first attempt to reform agricult…

The Current Account, the Savings Rate, and One-Equation Economics Angry Bear

リンク: Angry Bear.Saturday, January 06, 2007The Current Account, the Savings Rate, and One-Equation EconomicsGreg Mankiw points us to something Michael Spence said:it would be useful if we stopped pretending or alleging that China's excha…

池田信夫 blog ハイエクと知的財産権

リンク: 池田信夫 blog ハイエクと知的財産権.先日も少し紹介したが、最近、経済学者のブログでハイエクがちょっとした話題になっている。サックスが「ハイエクは間違っていた」と論じたのをイースタリーが批判し、さらにサックスが反論している。ポイントは…

People's Daily Online -- China-Africa Cooperation to Break "Products-for-resources" Doctrine

リンク: People's Daily Online -- China-Africa Cooperation to Break "Products-for-resources" Doctrine.In his office in Harare, Frank Wu oversees a team of local administrative staff that run his company, Shomet Industry Development -- one o…

People's Daily Online -- Chinese economy will remain robust after the Beijing Olympics: economist

リンク: People's Daily Online -- Chinese economy will remain robust after the Beijing Olympics: economist.The Chinese economy will remain robust after the 2008 Beijing Olympics as has happened in some other host nations, said renowned econ…

Economist's View: The Politics of Explicit Inflation Targeting

リンク: Economist's View: The Politics of Explicit Inflation Targeting.In this post, I mentioned that some people believe the Fed pays too much attention to its inflation target and not enough to its full employment mandate. This view pres…



Difference of style of the two prime ministers of Japan

Mr. Abe speaks more words compared with Mr. Koizumi, however what Mr. Abe speaks so far seems to lack concreteness. It has been pointed out that " to build a beatutiful nation" does not include any detailed desacription on how it is going …