
20070131WSJ PridyathornDevakula Thailand economy is open for business

20070131日経金融 仮想社会で得た利益課税ルール整備米議会が着手実社会適用には時間

20070131日経金融 シンガポール法人税下げへ

20070131日経金融 大学 仕組み債半数強が投資

20070131IHT Latin America demotes machismo

20070130SCMP TomHolland yuan moves will be slow and steady

20070130SCMP Zhang Jun - Chinas fetish for financial centres

20070130SCMP Bangkok eases foreign loan curbs

20070130SCMP Thai Central bank cracks down on trading in baht futures

20070130SCMP China sets clean aims for power producers

macroblog: Moving The Bottom On The Dollar

リンク: macroblog: Moving The Bottom On The Dollar.Moving The Bottom On The DollarMy real job has interfered with my blogging activities this past week, but I have been meaning to take note of this Wall Street Journal article (appearing on…

macroblog: The Road To Real Development

リンク: macroblog: The Road To Real Development.Amar Bhide and Carl Schramm (Columbia University and the Kauffman Foundation) write on the opinion page of today's Wall Street Journal:The Nobel Prize lectures given last month by the economi…

Eurozone Watch » Fed-up with EMU?

リンク: Eurozone Watch » Fed-up with EMU?.by Daniela SchwarzerA poll published today by the Financial Times reveals that a large majority of citizens in the big eurozone countries think that the euro has had a negative impact on their nati…

New Economist: Do we need better global economic institutions?

リンク: New Economist: Do we need better global economic institutions?.Of course we do. Ngaire Woods from University College, Oxford, tells us how in her new report for UK centre-left think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research: Po…

20070130FT Yen low sparks carry trade alert

20070130FT Merrill buys First Republic

20070130FT JohnPlender After the flood how central banks fret once liquidity dries up

20070130FT The clash of globalisations that spells trouble for Davos ma

20070130日経金融 不動産の課税強化通知 関連面柄揺さぶる

20070130日経金融 ヘッジファンド 規制強化で攻防

2007013日経金融 証券電子化 証券システム開発に遅れ

20070130FT Taiwans financial regulator pledges tougher regime

20070130FT regulators concernece at hedge fund collateral

20070130IHT chinese central bank to start regular auction of 3 year bonds

Angry Bear Eisenhower's “I Shall Go to Korea” Speech

リンク: Angry Bear.Sunday, January 28, 2007Eisenhower's “I Shall Go to Korea” SpeechThe nitwits at the National Review has moved from showing they flunked Economics 101 to showing they flunked History 101 with their attempts to smear Senat…

H-Yamaguchi.net: 「インターネットと仮想通貨」講演資料

リンク: H-Yamaguchi.net: 「インターネットと仮想通貨」講演資料.下のリンク先は、先日某所で行った講演の配布資料に一部手を入れたもの。聴衆は金融広報アドバイザーの方々。「金融広報中央委員会からの委嘱を受けて、地域において暮らしに身近な金融経済…

NIKKEI NET:大手3邦銀、ドバイに進出・日系企業を支援

リンク: NIKKEI NET:国際 ニュース.大手3邦銀、ドバイに進出・日系企業を支援 【バーレーン=加賀谷和樹】三菱東京UFJ銀行は3月中にアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)ドバイの金融特区「ドバイ国際金融センター(DIFC)」に営業拠点を新設する。これでド…

NIKKEI NET:タイ中銀、外為取引規制を一部緩和

リンク: NIKKEI NET:国際 ニュース. タイ中銀、外為取引規制を一部緩和 【バンコク=長尾久嗣】タイ中央銀行は29日、昨年12月に導入した外為取引規制を一部緩和し、一定の条件を満たす外貨建て融資を規制対象から外した。施行は2月1日。これにより外国企業…

Economist's View: Larry Summers Issues an SOS

リンク: Economist's View: Larry Summers Issues an SOS.As in "Save Our Sciences":America must not surrender its lead in life sciences, by Lawrence Summers, Commentary, Financial Times: The 20th century was shaped by developments in the phys…

Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Sum of All Ears

リンク: Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Sum of All Ears.Paul Krugman discusses the president's plans to use ethanol to replace gasoline, something he describes as "a really bad idea":The Sum of All Ears, by Paul Krugman, Corn Cop-Out, …