
macroblog: Renminbi Revaluation: How Much Effect?

リンク: macroblog: Renminbi Revaluation: How Much Effect?.Renminbi Revaluation: How Much Effect?Not much, suggest at least a couple of important policymakers. From today's Wall Street Journal (page A13 in the print edition):Chinese central…

Economist's View: Is Financial System Development a Key to Rebuilding Iraq and Reducing Terrorism?

リンク: Economist's View: Is Financial System Development a Key to Rebuilding Iraq and Reducing Terrorism?.Is Financial System Development a Key to Rebuilding Iraq and Reducing Terrorism? This article is a reminder of the importance of dev…

Economist's View: How Should The U.S. Respond to China's Peg?

リンク: Economist's View: How Should The U.S. Respond to China's Peg?.How Should The U.S. Respond to China's Peg? An editorial in the NY Times by Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey O. Graham (R-SC) calls for the threat of tariffs on imp…

Is it conceivable that the Euro ends?.Marginal Revolution: Is it conceivable that the Euro ends?

リンク: Marginal Revolution: Is it conceivable that the Euro ends?.Is it conceivable that the Euro ends?The FT, The Economist, and the NY Times have all run articles pondering whether the Euro might end; here is another typical account. If…