

http://news.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=news&MsgID=312064 改革開放が始まった20年前の上海を訪れた人にはなつかしい光景であり人々の様子ではないでしょうか。




リンク: NIKKEI NET:主要ニュース.経済統計、共通化を推進・アジア太平洋各国で比較しやすく 政府は23日、米国、中国や東南アジア諸国などアジア太平洋地域の国々と協力し、国内総生産(GDP)など各国の経済統計を比べやすくするため、集計項目などの共…

Forex Blog: New currency ETF debuts on AMEX

リンク: Forex Blog: New currency ETF debuts on AMEX. New currency ETF debuts on AMEXAn exchange-traded-fund (ETF) is similar to an index fund in that both types of securities are designed to track the performance of the index to which they…

RGE - Why are Chinese exports to the world growing faster than Chinese exports to the US?

2006-09-18RGE - Why are Chinese exports to the world growing faster than Chinese exports to the US?リンク: RGE - Why are Chinese exports to the world growing faster than Chinese exports to the US?.Why are Chinese exports to the world growi…





http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0921/012.html?2006 竹中さんに続け!でしょうか。昔、日経文庫かなにかでリースの著書を読んだのが宮内さんに触れた最初と思いますが、最近この方の言動には改革者としての雰囲気が薄れていたように思うのは筆者だけ…

Is it Europe's turn to rise a housing bubble?

リンク: Roubini Global Economics (RGE) Monitor.Is it Europe's turn to rise a housing bubble? Brad Setser | Sep 20, 2006Both Morgan Stanley (at least Eric Chaney) and JP Morgan (in their latest global outlook) now recognize that Europe has …


リンク: Roubini Global Economics (RGE) Monitor.September 20, 2006LIQUIDITY RULESIt's too soon to declare that the Fed has once and forever stamped out the inflation embers, but it's clear that the central bank has won the current battle. T…

Economist's View: An Interview with Martin Feldstein

リンク: Economist's View: An Interview with Martin Feldstein.September 20, 2006 An Interview with Martin Feldstein This interview with Marty Feldstein covers its share of controversial topics. The interview is fairly long, so if you want t…

RGE - Where oh where are Russia's reserves?

リンク: RGE - Where oh where are Russia's reserves?.Where oh where are Russia's reserves? Brad Setser | Sep 18, 2006 Through the end of July, Russia had added $83.5b to its reserves. It added around $15b in July alone. Through the end of J…

RGE - China’s future?

リンク: RGE - China’s future?.China’s future? Brad Setser | Sep 18, 2006 The Bank of Korea is taking ongoing losses on its reserve holdings. South Korea's central bank may have a loss of as much as 3 trillion won ($3.1 billion) in 2006 bec…



a singapore economist: Wheaton on U.S. Housing Bubble

リンク: a singapore economist: Wheaton on U.S. Housing Bubble.Monday, September 18, 2006Wheaton on U.S. Housing Bubble Professor William Wheaton weighs in on a popular subject - the existence of a housing bubble in the U.S. - in the follow…

Economist's View: Paul Krugman: King of Pain

リンク: Economist's View: Paul Krugman: King of Pain.September 18, 2006Paul Krugman: King of PainPaul Krugman wonders why the president is so determined to have torture declared legal: King of Pain, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: A…

RGE - Too much to read …

リンク: RGE - Too much to read ….Too much to read … Brad Setser | Sep 17, 2006I really liked Krishna Guha’s analysis of global imbalances that appeared in Wednesday’s FT. His emphasis on the role of exchange rate adjustment in global rebal…

Economists debate financial sector in India and China - PSD Blog - World Bank Group

リンク: Economists debate financial sector in India and China - PSD Blog - World Bank Group.September 18, 2006Economists debate financial sector in India and ChinaThe IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings Program of Seminars here in Singapore kic…

The Indian Economy Blog ? Multilateralism and Free Trade Zones

リンク: The Indian Economy Blog ? Multilateralism and Free Trade Zones.Multilateralism and Free Trade ZonesSeptember 17th, 2006 by Edward Discussions on the Doha round rumble on, and on. There is no immediate and obvious end in sight. In t…

Economist's View: Jagdish Bhagwati on Globalization

リンク: Economist's View: Jagdish Bhagwati on Globalization.September 17, 2006Jagdish Bhagwati on GlobalizationJagdish Bhagwati answers questions on globalization:Q & A with Jagdish Bhagwati, by Daniel Altman, IHT Managing Globalization bl…

週刊!木村剛 powered by ココログ: [フィナンシャル ジャパン] BRICsの次にブレイクするのはこの国だ!?

リンク: 週刊!木村剛 powered by ココログ: [フィナンシャル ジャパン] BRICsの次にブレイクするのはこの国だ!?.2006.09.17[フィナンシャル ジャパン] BRICsの次にブレイクするのはこの国だ!? ポストBRICs 〜ネクストイレブン [フィナンシャル ジャパン9…

Calculated Risk: NY Times: Who Bears the Risk?

リンク: Calculated Risk: NY Times: Who Bears the Risk?.NY Times: Who Bears the Risk? The NY Times asks: Who Bears the Risk? The housing boom would never have lasted as long as it did if mortgage lenders had to worry about being paid back i…

Economist's View: The Exchange Rate-Consumer Price Puzzle

リンク: Economist's View: The Exchange Rate-Consumer Price Puzzle.September 16, 2006The Exchange Rate-Consumer Price PuzzleDiego Valderrama, an Economist at the San Francisco Fed, discusses a puzzle. Why are consumer prices so unresponsive…

外貨準備、ドルから移動と米に警告…イラン中銀総裁 : 経済ニュース : 経済・マネー : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)

リンク: 外貨準備、ドルから移動と米に警告…イラン中銀総裁 : 経済ニュース : 経済・マネー : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞).外貨準備、ドルから移動と米に警告…イラン中銀総裁 【テヘラン=工藤武人】イラン中央銀行のシェイバニ総裁は、英投資情報誌「エマー…


リンク: NIKKEI NET:主要ニュース. 国際商品の下落鮮明、原油は高値から2割 【シカゴ=毛利靖子】原油、金、穀物など国際商品相場の下落が目立ってきた。ニューヨーク原油先物は15日、一時1バレル62ドル台と直近高値から約2割下がった。大豆も1年半ぶりの安…


昔の面影というのは歳を取っても残っているもの、まして、3,4年に一度会う機 会があった方はそうだと思います。夕刻、用事を済ませて多少リラックスして歩 いていると高校の一年先輩とバッタリ。OBの合唱団に参加されている由。私もそ ういう趣味の世界も両…




これは納得できるレッスンかもしれません。人によってsituationが違うけれど。以前は、説明するのを聞きながら猛スピードで論文を読んで自分で理解していたが、 最近はやり方を変えて、Figureとかabstractとか断片しか読まないようにして、 あとは全部説明し…


リンク: NIKKEI NET:主要ニュース.EU経済・通貨担当委員、ユーロ高でも介入は不要 欧州連合(EU)のアルムニア欧州委員(経済・通貨担当)は日本経済新聞記者と会い、対円で最高値圏にある単一通貨ユーロについて「(全通貨での相場を加重平均した)実…

The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper

リンク: The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper.IMF overhaul in jeopardy Korea's drive to secure a greater say in the running of the International Monetary Fund may have stalled in the face of opposition from some developing…