
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Globalization and the Phillips Curve

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: Globalization and the Phillips Curve.Wednesday, October 04, 2006Globalization and the Phillips Curve Last week, I attended the Academic Consultants meeting at the Federal Reserve, where nerdy economics professor…

William J. Polley: October 2006 Archives

リンク: William J. Polley: October 2006 Archives.October 03, 2006Stiglitz on global imbalancesIn today's NY Times, Joseph Stiglitz takes on the topic of the hour. Most of it you have probably heard elsewhere. This part is not always mentio…

Economist's View: Fixing Global Imbalances

リンク: Economist's View: Fixing Global Imbalances.October 03, 2006Fixing Global ImbalancesIn this post from yesterday, Joseph Stiglitz explains how to solve global warming using WTO trade sanctions. Today he explains how to fix domestic a…



New Economist: China vs. India: which is more productive?

リンク: New Economist: China vs. India: which is more productive?.China vs. India: which is more productive?Last week I mentioned the new World Bank book Dancing with Giants: China, India and the global economy. There were also a series of…

Economist's View: More Promises

リンク: Economist's View: More Promises.More PromisesMore promises that higher real wage growth is just around the corner from Allan Hubbard and Edward Lazear: Coming of Wage By Allan Hubbard and Edward P. Lazear: ...In the past three year…

Los Angeles Times: Don't Let the Andes Trade Pact Expire

リンク: Los Angeles Times: Don't Let the Andes Trade Pact Expire. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-op-munoz1oct01,0,7968211.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinionsDon't Let the Andes Trade Pact ExpireFree-trade program has ben…

Economist's View: Free-Trade is Good

リンク: Economist's View: Free-Trade is Good.October 01, 2006Free-Trade is GoodAs a follow-up to this post noting some of the problems with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for Mexico, here's an argument strongly supporting …


http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yjochi/ 酒盛りというとちょっとお酒をのむことがメインの目的と取られそうですが、実は、お酒を出すことによって、舌をなめらかにする、というところが大きいと思います。先輩、後輩の距離を縮め、多少無礼講状態にしていいたいこと…

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いろいろRDD readerもありますが、今度はてなのものに切り替えることにしました。


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