
Economist's View: The FOMC Holds Target Rate at 5.25%

リンク: Economist's View: The FOMC Holds Target Rate at 5.25%.The Federal Open Market Committee voted today to keep the target federal funds rate at 5.25%. Here's a summary of the differences between today's Press Release and the Press Rel…

Economist's View: "The Knowledge Police in Economics"

リンク: Economist's View: "The Knowledge Police in Economics".My view is different from this. I don't believe academic economists are the strict "gatekeepers" of knowledge and rigid defenders of the existing theoretical paradigm that this …

Forex Blog: Economist Urges Asia to accept fall of USD

リンク: Forex Blog: Economist Urges Asia to accept fall of USD.Last week, a well-respected Japanese economist publicly urged Asian nations to take joint action in accepting the fall of the USD against their respective currencies. He encour…

Forex Blog: China to better manage forex reserves

リンク: Forex Blog: China to better manage forex reserves.As China’s FX reserves soar past the $1 Trillion mark, the country may begin taking the management of these reserves a little more seriously. In the past, China merely issued Yuan t…

William J. Polley: Chinese open market operations

リンク: William J. Polley: Chinese open market operations.Kash points us to an interesting tidbit in the Wall Street Journal:SHANGHAI -- China's central bank said it plans to absorb about $20 billion in cash in its latest effort to keep it…

オマーン GCCへの参加延期 通貨統合に遅れも|Klug クルーク

リンク: オマーン GCCへの参加延期 通貨統合に遅れも|Klug クルーク.オマーンは、湾岸協力会議(GCC)に加盟するアラブ6カ国が 2010年までに目指す域内統一通貨への参加を延期する方針をしめした。 サウジアラビア財政経済相はこれを受けて 残り5カ国の期限…


土曜日は学生さんの面接。色々な子がいるものだ。 その後で、30年以上もお世話になっている歯医者さんの見舞いに某病院に行ったが退院された後だった。3日前とのこと。とりあえずもう少しは持ちこたえそう。会話ができる間に一度うかがいたいのだが、かえっ…

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Where is the US$ Headed?

リンク: Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Where is the US$ Headed?.The following chart shows that the US dollar is once again approaching long term support. And once again bearish sentiment against the US dollar is rising. Here is a c…


http://nakano.no-ip.org/lege/diary-new.php?id=797 思ひ出したくないので、忘れたふりをしてゐたが、2007年1月1日からISBNが変はるのである[日本図書コード管理センター]。 変換プログラムでも準備してほしいものですね。

中国の人民元改革、米財務長官がテレビで促す : 経済ニュース : 経済・マネー : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)

リンク: 中国の人民元改革、米財務長官がテレビで促す : 経済ニュース : 経済・マネー : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞).ワシントン=矢田俊彦】ヘンリー・ポールソン米財務長官は8日、テレビ出演し、中国の通貨・人民元について「中国は経済大国になっており…

Economist's View: Rogoff: The U.S. Needs to Wake Up to What's Happening in Latin America

リンク: Economist's View: Rogoff: The U.S. Needs to Wake Up to What's Happening in Latin America.Rogoff: The U.S. Needs to Wake Up to What's Happening in Latin AmericaKenneth Rogoff wonders why the U.S. has shown "inexplicable indifference…

Calculated Risk: Will Europe Decouple from the U.S.?

リンク: Calculated Risk: Will Europe Decouple from the U.S.?.From the Financial Times: Europe bets on weathering a US downturn ... can that tale of two diverging economies be true? Most economists had the same thoughts back in 2001 when, i…

Calculated Risk: WSJ: More Borrowers With Risky Loans Are Falling Behind

リンク: Calculated Risk: WSJ: More Borrowers With Risky Loans Are Falling Behind.From the WSJ: More Borrowers With Risky Loans Are Falling Behind Americans who have stretched themselves financially to buy a home or refinance a mortgage hav…

Calculated Risk: WSJ: More Borrowers With Risky Loans Are Falling Behind

リンク: Calculated Risk: WSJ: More Borrowers With Risky Loans Are Falling Behind.From the WSJ: More Borrowers With Risky Loans Are Falling Behind Americans who have stretched themselves financially to buy a home or refinance a mortgage hav…

Economist's View: Rational Exuberance and the Greenspan Fed

リンク: Economist's View: Rational Exuberance and the Greenspan Fed.Jeremy Siegel says monetary policy after Alan Greenspan's "irrational exuberance" speech in 1996 was correct, there was no asset price bubble and therefore no need to defl…


土曜日は友人の通夜。埼玉まで片道2時間の往復だが、友人6人と久しぶりにお清めで故人をしのびつつ歓談。死因は肺ガン。喫煙は大分前にやめていたようだが。日曜日の告別式には別の友人が参加。 日曜日は早朝から実家往復。離陸後関東平野は澄み切って随分遠…

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: An email from Bernanke

リンク: Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: An email from Bernanke.I was quite surprised to wake up this morning and find an Email from Ben Bernanke sitting in my inbox. It was in response to Bernanke's Box. I wanted to share it with ev…

RGE - Good reading on the dollar’s recent move

リンク: RGE - Good reading on the dollar’s recent move.Brad Setser | Dec 02, 2006I have on occasion been critical of the Economist’s coverage, particularly its emphasis on Chinese consumption growth rather than Chinese export growth. But I…

Economist's View: Econophysicists

リンク: Economist's View: Econophysicists.Given recent discussions here, and given that I can't even agree with the claim in the opening sentence that "Predicting financial markets is more of a gamble than traditional economists will admit…

Economist's View: Dallas Fed: Making Sense of the U.S. Housing Slowdown

リンク: Economist's View: Dallas Fed: Making Sense of the U.S. Housing Slowdown.The Dallas Fed analyzes the slowdown in the housing market and finds it difficult to make strong predictions about how it will play out: Making Sense of the U.…

Economist's View: Brad DeLong: Friedman and Keynes

リンク: Economist's View: Brad DeLong: Friedman and Keynes.Brad DeLong on Friedman and Keynes: Friedman completed Keynes, by J. Bradford Delong, Project Syndicate: ...From one perspective, [Milton] Friedman was the star pupil of, successor…

Peter Korn's Weblog

リンク: Peter Korn's Weblog. Accessible U.S. Currency As a fairly frequent traveler, I've had the opportunity to use a lot of different currency. Much of this currency has been thoughtfully designed to be accessible to people with a wide r…

Economist's View: McCain Picks His Economic Adviser

リンク: Economist's View: McCain Picks His Economic Adviser.As was widely reported today in the Washington Post and elsewhere, Glenn Hubbard and Greg Mankiw have agreed to serve as economic advisers for Mitt Romney who is believed to be pl…


デジタルラジオの実用化試験放送向けにクラシック音楽中心の「OTTAVA(オッターヴァ)」を2007年4月に開局する。 これは要注意。情報を集めなくては。


http://d.hatena.ne.jp/walkeri/20061130#p3 文化、伝統、習慣のもたらすものとはいえ、ひどい話。大変勉強になりました。

Angry Bear

リンク: Angry Bear.The Eurozone and the DollarzoneI'm sure this was covered before, either by PGL at this very blog, or by someone like Brad Setser, either of whom knows a lot more about this than I do. But for whatever reason, in the midd…

能登へ 「南惣美術館」 11月30日

リンク: エキサイト社長、山村幸広のインターネットブログ : 能登へ 「南惣美術館」 11月30日.ト○タレンタリースの従業員の女性もとても親切で笑顔が素晴らしいあのお店はそうですね、チームとして良い雰囲気を維持しています。私は、11月半ばに利用、忘…