
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article

リンク: RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article.The End of Pax Americana? By Robert SamuelsonWASHINGTON -- With hindsight, we may see 2006 as the end of Pax Americana. Ever since World War II, the United States has used its military a…

Economist's View: Samuelson: Strength is Not Power

リンク: Economist's View: Samuelson: Strength is Not Power.Robert Samuelson says the U.S. is still the strongest country in the world, but strength alone does not give a country power. "Power is the ability to get others to do what you wan…

: 書評『ヒューマン2.0』、または流動化のための心得集


リンク: [R30]: 書評『ヒューマン2.0』、または流動化のための心得集.最初に断っておく。先日出版記念パーティーにお誘いを受けた。久しぶりにお話しがしたい知り合いからのお誘いでもあったので、忘年会も兼ねてと思い、ひょいひょいと顔を出した。上はMSKK…

Economist's View: The FOMC Holds Target Rate at 5.25%

リンク: Economist's View: The FOMC Holds Target Rate at 5.25%.The Federal Open Market Committee voted today to keep the target federal funds rate at 5.25%. Here's a summary of the differences between today's Press Release and the Press Rel…

Economist's View: "The Knowledge Police in Economics"

リンク: Economist's View: "The Knowledge Police in Economics".My view is different from this. I don't believe academic economists are the strict "gatekeepers" of knowledge and rigid defenders of the existing theoretical paradigm that this …

Forex Blog: Economist Urges Asia to accept fall of USD

リンク: Forex Blog: Economist Urges Asia to accept fall of USD.Last week, a well-respected Japanese economist publicly urged Asian nations to take joint action in accepting the fall of the USD against their respective currencies. He encour…