
Lessons of subprime loan crisis

It would be rather early to make any concluding remarks about the possible lessons that stems from the recent subprime loan crisis, but I would like to indicate the followings as possible arguments:Securitisation makes it possible for the …

duration mismatch at Sentinel

http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2007/08/duration-mismatch-at-sentinel.html 過半はオーバーナイトで運用しているといいつつ、実は大半は足の長いもので運用していたようです。これではね。日本では詐欺とか背任の類ですね。

銀行・証券の経営動向 一体で調査へ 日銀

http://www.asahi.com/business/update/0818/TKY200708180258.html 良い動きと思います。もっとも、モニタリングも日銀考査も、これまではそうではなかったのですね。

Why I write

I would try to post more articles here. There are still many areas that are hard to understand in Japan and East Asia, and the available persoectives that are provided by newspapers TVs and exsiting other established medias are limited. Un…

hot summer

It was extgraordinaly hot in Japan this year and record high temperature was upwardly revised for the first time in almost 70 years last week in Kumagaya, Saimata Prefecture. However, although I feel that this is due to the COs coming out …

Countrywide Financial

http://www.latimes.com/business/printedition/la-fi-countrywide17aug17,0,5944637.story 傘下に銀行がありそこが取付にあった。これが先週金曜日の連銀の緊急措置の背景のひとつなのだろう。

Sentinel Management Group Incが破綻

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a7CjyeOgWtxs&refer=home 確か、短期金融商品にしか投資していないのに顧客の解約をストップするのは変だ、として話題になった、あまりこれまでは知られていなかった運用会社です。今後何が明らかにな…