A blogger tilts the French vote on Europe

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May 30, 2005

A blogger tilts the French vote on Europe

Stephen Baker

Bloggers played a big part in yesterday's historic French vote rejecting the European constitution. (I picked up this thread from Loic Le Meur, but couldn't find links on it in English) Perhaps the most important, according to the newspaper Liberation was a law professor named Etienne Chouard. His (French-language) site received 25,000 visits per day, and was linked throughout the French blog world. Blogs turned this professor into a national celebrity, one who went head-to-head with the leading French politicians. Now that he's got power and a platform, he's mulling leading a grassroots democratic movement in France.

04:02 PM


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Thanks for inserting an international perspective on blogging. Though I'm an American, after living in Paris for several years, I get a little tired back in in Washington D.C. of the "me nation" view we tend to have of blogging. Especially in politics, the French populace takes their voting rights more seriously than we Americans do. Consider this, in our 2000 presidential election, the turnout amongst registered voters was about 51%. In
